Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's a Gurl!

We have a new addition to our family. She is a 7 week old female, long-haired, blue/green eyed, orange tiger stripped cutie. Not sure on a name yet. MaryJane has been coming up w/ a lot of ideas. The first idea came before we even got her; Prisa, some others are Curly Fry and Scratchy, and the most popular is Wet Nose. hehe. Ok...before i go forward let me go back a bit. As you know we have our gurl ShoSho at the house and poor thing is so lonely. Shes there all alone all day every week day and as soon as you come home she is rubbing up against you wanting affection (or food). MaryJane and I do not give her as much attention as she need to boot. So i thought why not get a kitten to keep her company, plus i new MaryJane would love having a baby kitten to play w/ and raise. Well, I introduced the idea to MaryJane and she did not want to do it. We think alot of her decision was based on her not wanting kittens to be away from there mommy, but Jess and I both talked to her about that and although i still dont think she likes the idea of them being separated she understands and is accepting. So i was checking the classifieds here at work Monday and came across an orange girl kitten, a rarity and exactly what MaryJane would want, if she wanted a kitten. She still didnt want to get it, but i disobeyed and set up a meeting to get it last night. She wasnt to sure about going to get it at first, but as we got the time to get it got closer and closer she became more and more excited. it went from "why did you disobey me" to "is it the orange one" (yes i replied) "yea"; "is it a gurl" (again yes) "yea" to her wanting to hold the carrier on the way home (which she didnt get to do; its a beast) to this....
Twins! Yes, on the way there we were talking about the kittens eyes and M.J. said they were twins. Funny cause when we got there the on so very nice lady we got her from said they were twins cause of there eyes too. how krazy kool. ...oh and not only the eyes, but the energy....they both have practically unlimited amounts of it. MaryJane and her had the best time playing with the catfish pole; M.J. was busting up and the kitten was busting a move. Bedtime did come and MaryJane was very please when the fuzz ball curled up next to her....that is until someone came in a disturbed them. So that brings me back to the original reason i wanted to get that darn cat (great movie by the way), to keep someone company...well, so far it seems she dosent want company, which i really did expect. It know will take her some time to get used to sharing her territory w/ that little rascal, but once she does they will bond and be the best of friends, but for know its been sit back and watch and if you get to close to me...hiss hiss.
So this morning we were awoken by the kitten a little after 6 AM, and M.J. and her were back at the fishing pole minutes later. They got a little more play time and petting time in this morning and M.J. exclaimed how "adorable" she was a dozen times or more, one time even thru song. She loves her new little friend and i know her little friend certainly loves her.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A few words (ok...a lot of words) before i go.

Well, sis and i pretty much just played around the house over the weekend. We did venture out to run a few quick errands Saturday and to attend oh so great Church Sunday, but thats it. Thought about getting up to Rogers to check out the Frisco Festival, but w/ the random rain showers and sis not really interested i opted to not make the trip and a trip to the Jones Center was offered, but she MJ didnt mention "maybe" wanting to go until 6PM. We do enjoy getting out and doing stuff, but she and I have as much fun or more fun just playing at the house. Some of MJ's main focuses this weekend were convincing Lionel that Mermaids and Fairies were real because he claimed they were fake, setting of the contraption to the game mouse trap numerous times w/o us ever playing the actual game once, and playing hospital and doctor w/ her new teddy bear nurse named white chocolate she got at dollar tree w/ her chore money.

With homeschool starting last week i had decided i wanted to a couple lessons on the weekends too so we started Guitar Lessons Saturday and Bible Lessons Sunday. We spent about 30 minutes on each and will have a 15 minute review for each on 2 different week nights. M.J. really enjoys playing her guitar and is a natural for sure. Before this week she could already play 3 chords and did things that i didnt even teach or instruct her to do like strumming w/ rhythm and matching her vocal to the tune of the guitar. We covered some guitar and sheet music basics. practiced strumming, and covered the first of her notes; the C note Saturday. Another "natural" thing she was tapping her foot to the rhythm as she played. Im tellin ya...shes a rockstar in the making. hehe. With the Bible lesson i ended up just reading her some stories as opposed to picking some verses or a short passage, writing 3 questions, and then her and i answering them. I may try that, but she really enjoyed just hearing about the miracle spree Jesus went on before his death. She had learned about some of the miracles before in Sunday School, but some of them were new to her. She didnt want me to stop reading and ya gotta love that.

Hmmm...well, i will be back mid or late week. We are attending Treehouse Open house tomorrow so really wanna tell about that and the upcoming Treehouse semester. Also picking up MaryJanes new kitten tomorrow nite.....

Oh...and pics for todays post. Got some, but MJ wanted me to keep them to myself. Why?...not sure, but believe this...she looks precious. hehe.


Monday, August 18, 2008


Fresh off vacation....and back at work. Yippie. hehe. Hard to come back after a glorious 6 days of playing and relaxing. Going back in time a bit...if you didnt get over to Jess' Blog and see pictures / read up on MaryJane's 1st vacation the weekend before last to Missouri w/ Mommy and GuaGua do, cause its good stuff. Our fun started on Monday night and ran thru this Monday morning. It was great to be able to get away from work and simply enjoy the sweetest thing in the world; MaryJane, for close to a continuous full week. Day 1 and 2 were spent at the house just playing our little hearts out. Day 3 was the Not-Back-to-School party where we played Star-Wars (she was Princess Leia), ate lunch, and had a water balloon...gun...cup...tub fight. Day 4 was vacation. M.J. only considered and call this day vacation since it was the day we went to the O.K. state. We hit the Aquarium first; admiring all the sea creatures, she feed the fish and turtles, and she acquired two barbie mermaids and a pretty new blue pen. Then it was off to Incredible Pizza where we played in-door mini golf, ate lots of pizza (me) and veggies (her), racked up a bunch of tickets and some prizes playing fun games, and made off w/ a cute fuzzy care bear pen. Day 5 was re-coup, play and a trip to get MaryJanes new NIrV Bible for school. Day 6 was wonderful church and a visit to G&G Danforths for lunch. Today M.J. and Mommy started glorious homeschool w/ our glorious BJU press curriculum and made a trip to Fun City for lunch to play while all the other kids were at government school. 2 awesome. Check out Jess' Blog to 2 see the new classroom too. It looks sweet and totally different from when i last saw it. Well, i hope everyone is doing well, enjoying the weather, and likes the pics from our vacation.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Busy, Busy!

Ahh...its Friday. I just wish it were 4:30 Friday, cause its been a pretty crappy morning. Busy and Stressful. The afternoon looks better tho better be. haha. Ummm, yeah so lots going on. 1st off got MaryJanes Curriculum in the mail Wednesday Night. I could talk forever, again, about its perks and its greatness, but ill spare you...a little bit. Its sooo wonderful. It is so good to finally have the books in our possession and looking at them all, again, Wednesday night was great. I just love how everything is Bible driven. The workbooks are colorful, fun, and so good all around. The teacher manuals seem very easy to understand and easy to follow w/ not a lot of prep time. I truly believe this is the best stuff out there and that it is going to be a hit w/ our babygurl. Just another week and a half and its on. Yea!

So before we get back to homeschoolin some vacation is needed right. Right. M.J., Mommy, and Gua Gua are off to Branson tomorrow and Sunday for a all gurl vacation which includes the Dixie Stampede, the motel/hotel, and lots of shopping. They are going to have so much fun. Then next week i am only working Monday and taking vacation the rest of the week. Oh man..i cannot freakin wait. M.J. and I are going to the Jenks Aquarium and Tulsa's Incredible Pizza one day, attending a Not-back-to school party w/ a bunch of homeschoolers another day, and who knows what else.

Well...ill check in Monday to post sumdin, but w/ no MaryJane all weekend don't expect much out of me.



I have always been a fan of the fat cat and recently went out and found his home on the web. It is full of goodies, but none better then the daily comic strip post. You can also venture back in time and look at past comic strips. Its a daily stop for me and i always get a good laugh. Make it a part of your day too, cause i promise you that unless your name is Jon, Nermal, or Odie you will love it. I have included the link in w/ my others. Enjoy.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Manic Monday & Weekend Fun Days!

Oh how I do love Mondays....NOT! Thank goodness the torture is almost over; can't bear much more. its not been that bad. Its more of that thing of going from 2 blissful days to a day chopped full of surprises and duties. Sooo...lets talk about the good dayz; the weekend. M.J. made her final appearance at her art class where she produced another wonderful painting of 3 bunnies. Its a Daddy, Mommy and Baby Bunny family outside w/ birds...and power lines of all things....hovering above them. I will get all her works up, but need to flatten them first and the teacher said it could take up to a week. We hit up Home Depot where afterwards and somehow managed to be get there at the same time as her friend Michelle so that was cool and they were very cute holding hands on the way out. Awww. : ) Spent the rest of our day playing and getting her chores done at the a/c'd house. Watched Underdog, played w/ Mega Blocks, had a B-day party for Charlotte, played bank w/ some stuffed animals and much more. Here is my Child chowing down on a French Loaf. We had Tortellini and bread for dinner and after she was done she asked for Ice Cream (Shocker), but while i was preparing the cream she came into the kitchen, saw the loaf and asked it she eat it and i said yes. That kid of mine tore into it and when i brought her the ice cream she turned it down for the bread. She gnawed on it w/ her teeth, pulled pieces off to eat, and even dug into the center before, yes, making a game up that included the bread. We both had a pet shop figures that each had a shop, mine sold fluff (the center of the bread) and hers sold crust. Pet shops came and could sample from the actual loaf and buy bread from our pet shops. I didn't get much business (surprise, surprise) cause mine was really expensive and apparently didn't taste good. haha. It was crazy and so much fun. I told her after i took the picture that if anyone ever questioned her being my child (yeah right) that i would show them the pic and they would believe me cause Ive been know to grab a loaf and chow it down. french bread, some jerky, and a good hunk of that's a meal. Sunday was Church. M.J., and her stuffed animal crew, came w/ me for the second Sunday in a row. Shes wanted to be with me and not in Sunday School. She is very well behaved and oh so sweet and i know that she will be back in Sunday School again soon. After Church it was to Donalds and then home. Watch Alvin and the Chipmunks again. Man, is that movie some funny stuff. We put on a handful of shows for Margaret and Charlotte where i played guitar and she sang w/ the microphone, worked on a new color by number, played big and little dolls and much more. The funniest thing (i think) that she said all weekend was when we were pretending to be Chinese royalty and we had Chinese fans. She said that the fans are "for keeping you cool" and "for if your mouth is yucky looking". hahahaha....stinkin hilarious. Here she is shucking the delicious corn we had for dinner. look at that action. It wasn't french loaf, but it still got a "the corn is so good". : d Had that gurl laughin up a storm this weekend too. I pretended to me a hundred old grandpa and she just loved it. she cracked up at my goofy old antics. She also laughed so hard as she hit me w/ pillows on numerous occasions. something funny i guess about me getting whacked in the face. haha. finally i made this one baby doll named Butch (yeah..i named it) go crazy and dance and she was bustin. End of day Sunday we played Transformers. It was awesome. We played them and talked about the opns there are and the ones we want and she even said "i think im starting to like transformers". its just funny cause we always talk about how transformers and gi joes and he man are boy toys and she says she dosent like them. we talked about superheros too. she told me the super hero girls she wanted to be (cat woman and super girl), asked me what other super heros there are and what there powers are, and then we told back and forth what super hero's we would make. She had some cool and funny ideas like one who could deliver mail really fast named Maily, one who could eat a house, and one who knew the temperature outside w/o even watching the newz. haha. Ok...i much stop myself and get outta here. Later.