Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Plus Rundown!
I was making a few notes to follow before I blogged and I noticed that I was putting things down in groups of 2…so I thought “what the heck..why not put them up in pairs”. So here goes in some random order…
2 Very Special Kiddos – I was so lucky to have 2 kiddos Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night, and Thanksgiving morning. We had fun during the nights going crazy playing in the house and going to FBCS for Blessing Baskets. Thanksgiving morning was very pleasant. This is Super C “playing w/ his food” and Sis posing w/ her “20 Questions” game.
2 Games – Well there were two pertinent games Sat & Sun and they were Kelly and Lionel’s Charm Factory and Nature Class w/ Handicapped Girls. For the first game we set up Barbies on the Futon and a line of stuffed animals on the floor. The Barbies ordered “charms” on-line from the futon and the orders were taken in by Barbie the Giraffe. (side note: the charms are colored pipe cleaners with a various assortment of alternating rainbow beads on them. She got this as a craft to do earlier in the week and had already made a bunch before this game). So after Barbie took the order from the Barbies...hehe..MaryJane made the charm. You will see this is a factory line. After she was done she passed it on to “Tiger” who checked it for errors (my fav part) ; then “Stripe” who put it in the kennel for 3 minutes to cook; then to “Kitty” who rode up the elevator to the top of the chair, then a bear whos name I am unsure of flew the charm to the correct Barbie on the couch. The whole time I was Kelly and Lionel running the show. Kelly was the good boss and Lionel was the bad boss. The factory pumped out a ton of bracelets. There is more I could elaborate on, but I will not. The second game we went for walks and she was the new gurl in nature class. She was mainly “Angela” the blind girl, but was a few others as well. Kelly and Lionel would not understand her handicaps and I would help her along her way and talk about the other senses she had and how she could still enjoy nature.
2 Thanksgivings – Our 1st stop on Thursday was Bill and Regina’s (aka Poppy and Grandma Gina). We hung out for a good hour and enjoyed the delicious food and the fabulous company. Jessica’s sister, Angela, was there w/ her boy for a short time after we got there, but we spent most of our time visiting w/ Bill, Gina, Jean and Ira (aka Great-Grandma Jean and Chief). MaryJane enjoyed herself. Gina loaded her up w/ goodies from Hawaii, including a fan, bags, and lots of cute jewelry and accessories. It was great to see them all and very much looking forward to seeing them all more often in the future. Our 2nd stop was Dad’s. We got there pretty late, but there were plenty of left over’s to be had. We visited and ate. MaryJane watched Shrek 2 and part of Bedtime stories w/ Robi. Dad, Cody, and I spent a good while going at each other on the glamorous Wii. We played three player golf and bowling and it was great fun.
2 Best Friends – We meet up with Camacho Family at Cambridge Park on Beautiful Friday Afternoon. MaryJane and Eliana (6...bout to be 7) are Best Friends. Alyson and Dathan also have 2 to other daughters, Sasha (4…I think) and M (8..for sure). They are a fellow Homeschool family, Aly taught a class last semester at Tree house, and all her kids attend. We figured MarJane and Eliana could not survive w/o each other till February when Treehouse starts back so we are getting them together b/w semesters. So this park has a pond w/ a trail and bridges around and is in slightly wooded area. The kids spent time building fairy houses and then got into a game. This was where they were trying to get water to flow from the pond, under a bridge, and down the culvert as far as they could. Eliana built a dam while the rest of us pushed water w/ sticks, cared water in cups, and cleared leaves from the waters path. We got pretty good results, but MaryJane insists we go back to the park soon to work more on the project. MryJane and Eliana enjoyed there time together, exchanged hugs and gifts and are meeting again next weekend at Home Depot to build and play together. : )
2 More Games – I couldn't limit myself to mentioning only 2 games. Hehe. We got the stuffed horse rides going. Our big thing now is spinning around in the living room. Her and C love it. The rider grabs the reigns or his neck and hold on for dear life while I grab the horse by the face and spin him around in circles. They are both quite good stuffed horse riders. To end the 4 day weekend Sis and I had a Webkinz Fight. This is where we close the bedroom door and w/ her on the bed and I on the floor we pelt each other w/ Webkinz. They both love this game too.
2 Signs Christmas is Coming – As you know Sis has been working on her Christmas List for some time now and after a trip to Toys-R-Us earlier in the week she was ready to mail it off. She sent him one page of things she wants for Christmas. She filled out the envelope, decorated it w/ stickers, put the stamp on it, and we used team work to put it in the mailbox. Now we wait to see if Santa will write back and to see what he will bring her for Christmas. We got our tree out Sunday evening and put it up. It looks so very nice thanks to Miss MaryJane and her super decorating. She got 2 new ornaments this year, a Buzz and a Tink mini snow globe. She went thru all the ornaments from years past and put the “hooks” on the ones needing them while Kelly, Lionel, and I loaded them into 3 stockings. We transported the stocking over by the tree and she decorated the tree while I played Christmas music. She had so much fun and did a wonderful job on the tree.
2 Subjects Down - Moving Right along w/ the 3rd grade. We smashed thru 2 Lessons of Math, a Lesson of Social Studies, and she did great on her History Test. Going to try and pick things up a little more over the next few weeks before Christmas time is here.
2 Great Movies – After seeing part of Bedtime Stories and Nana’s and her telling me how great it was before and after that experience we had to watch it. We are now members of Netflix. We shopped for the movie, but it was 15 dollars and after mention of Netflix from Aly I decided to check it out. She said they had a lot of movies and TV shows “on-demand”…and she was right. That’s the best part really; being able to watch tons of movies and shows instantly on the PC. We are getting “Santa Buddies” in the mail today. She also watched a Tom and Jerry movie that she had seen before, but loved just the same. She’s really digging that Cat and Mouse Duo right now. Now…what to watch tonight? Hehe.
2 Gifts 2 Give – A week or 2 back MaryJane got an Angel from the Angel Tree at Wal-Mart. So we made a Trip on Black Friday morning to Toys-R-Us and got her 2 very nice gifts; a “Totally Tattoo’s” Barbie and a “Gummie Bears” purse. We dropped them off over over the weekend and it was a great experience for her. She is such a sweetie.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
To Infinity an Beyond!
Sunday morning was play time galore. We started things off w/ a stuffed animal game in the bed that included Kelly, Lionel, Kelly’s Sister and Mother, Lionel’s Mother, and Samantha (the girl cub from Lion King 2). Due to the elaborateness of the game and the details being a bit fuzzy due to my sleepy head I will not go into detail, but I will tell you it was a good hour plus of awesome animal fun. We continued on w/ the bed fun w/ a game of Math Class. She broke out an old math book and really did great w/ some big addition and subtraction problems. W+ for MaryJane, A+ for Kelly, and F+ for Lionel. Next it was out to work on the car. I fiddled under the hood and she made wishes. Neither worked. Hehe. We headed to the couch where she read Kelly and Lionel part of Genesis from her Story Book Bible. How cute and fun this was. Next it was out to work on the car. I fiddled under the hood and she made wishes. Neither worked. Hehe. Back inside She read some more to Kelly and Lionel, we read a funny Garfield Story and we went outside and read in the yard. She had found some broken glass down by the road Saturday and she had brought a piece to the house as a jewel. Well, she grabbed lots more and she now has a Jewel collection by the TV. Yes, it’s broken glass, but she was very careful w/ it. So with this by the TV she created a museum with a dragon egg, a magic wand, and the first candy ever made. Kelly and Lionel toured took a tour and despite Lionel wanting to try the ancient candy he was denied. Then to my surprise we were helped out by Tony. He came out and jumped the car to see if it was the Started or Alternator…and I’m happy to report it was neither. The battery had drained due to a loose cable. Happy that we had wheels again we headed out to do our Saturday stuff. We first went to Toys-R-Us so MaryJane could finish her Christmas list. She has one full notebook page ready to be mailed. Then it was the trip to Build-A-Bear she wanted so much. Between a $5 off coupon, money earned from chores, and a small loan she was able to make a new friend. She was after the soon to retire “Snazzy Kitty”, but she was already in retirement when we got there. I asked about the kitty and she showed us a new kitty that had just arrived and wasn’t even on display yet. She was “Cool Kitty”and MaryJane wanted her right away. Her name is Jenny and she is certainly cool. She’s going on-line for the first time tonight. We visited w/ Jess at Marketplace and ate to re-fuel before we went to Petco to get a sucker fish and to Wal-Mart to get a toilet sucker (aka super plunger). Haha. When we got home s wrestled w/ the toilet while MaryJane made crafts on the couch. She got some colored pipe cleaners and colored 1500 beads at Wal-Mart. She made me a “Razorback bracelet”, 2 “Broncos Bracelets” (one for her and one for her best friend Eliana), and 2 more pretty ones as well.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sock Monkeys!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Go Hogs Go!
Another great weeekend has come to a close and it is time to recap the goodness. Our playing consisted a lot of class time Saturday, a majority of which was "crochet class". MaryJane learned how to crochet at Treehouse last Thursday and she has been all about it since, croching like a pro. She taught me how Friday night. She is really good and really quick. She is making a length of string for each of her teachers for the last day of classes this coming Thursday. Speaking of teaching i will be teaching a class next semester at Treehouse and MaryJane and I are very excited about the fact. We went to Home Depot Saturday morning where she build a Trivet, otherwise known as a hot plate. It was an easy one and took her no time at all. Next it was off to her first Razorback football game. I got some complementary tix's thru work. We ended up sitting in some decent seats that were not ours which provided a good view of the field, the big screen, and the awesome fireworks. She got into the game cheering on the Hogs and booing the "chickens". It was "Go Hogs Go" and "Boo Chickens Boo". Haha. We ate concessions like they were going out of style and wear a decent sunburn as proof of our attendance. Im so glad she enjoyed herself. It was a lot of fun. We hit the library afterwards. She read 3 books there and another two to Kelly and Lionel on the way to Marketplace. We visited w/ Mommy and filled up on some yummy food. The day went by fast, but we enjoyed it. Sunday consisted of playing Neopets, going to wonderful Church, cleaning her room, Science and History. She is doing really good w/ her school. Shes such a smart gurl. We are enjoying our computer. She reacquainting herself w/ buildabearville and neopia and checked out TY Girlz for the first time today. We have been watching TV on the PC too. Her Spongebob and I MMA and Football. Loving the email and the blogging more. Well, I'm off to make a cup-o-tea and watch some more Sunday Night Football. Until next time...
Friday, November 6, 2009
I Told You So!
Monday, November 2, 2009
“Little Kitty Cat”!
This is MaryJane performing a song that she made up Saturday morning. This is an early performance; soon after we were both singing it word for one point while skipping thru the front yard in our costumes. It was awesome.